Treating Work Injuries With Chiropractic

Back pain at work

Hurt at Work? Chiropractic Treatment Can Help You Recover from Your Injuries

Whether you work in an office, a fishing boat, a manufacturing plant, or another location, you may be injured on the job at one time or another. In fact, 2.8 million people suffered workplace injuries in just one year, according to the 2019 Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. If you're ever injured on the job, chiropractic care can ease your pain and help you get back to work sooner.

Types of Injuries Your Chiropractor Can Treat

Chiropractors treat a variety of on-the-job injuries, including:

  • Strained and Sprained Muscles and Joints
  • Pinched Nerves
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Tendonitis of the Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder, or Knee
  • Herniated Discs
  • Whiplash
  • Back and Neck Pain
  • Arm and Shoulder Pain
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Sciatica
  • Bursitis
  • Trigger Point Pain
  • Hip Pain

Chiropractic Treatment Eases Pain Practically Anywhere in Your Body

Lifting, turning, holding, pushing, throwing, or carrying objects are the top cause of workplace-related injuries, according to the National Safety Council. These injuries can strain the muscles in your back and neck and move your spine out of its natural alignment. Back and neck injuries may also occur as a result of poor posture. If you spend hours sitting at a desk, driving a truck, or using a digital device, you may be more likely to develop neck or back pain.

Spinal manipulation, a treatment used to correct spinal alignment, can ease your pain. The treatment involves quick, hands-on pressure that moves vertebrae back into alignment.

Once your spine is properly aligned, you'll also notice less tension in your muscles. Manipulation, massage, ultrasound therapy, and other treatments improve the flow of blood to the injured area, which speeds healing. Treatments also decrease inflammation and decrease painful pressure on your nerves.

Sciatica, a condition that occurs when nerves in your lower back become pinched or irritated, can be a problem if you've been hurt at work. The shooting pain travels from your lower back to your buttocks and legs, making it difficult to walk, stand, or even sit. Reducing the pressure on the nerves with chiropractic treatment relieves the pain and reduces nerve inflammation and muscle spasms.

Chiropractic treatment is just as effective at improving carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, reducing bursitis pain, or loosening knotted muscles. When a workplace injury causes knee or hip pain, chiropractic care offers an excellent solution. Hip or knee manipulations keep joints loose and mobile, reduce inflammation, and restore normal function.

Your Range of Motion Will Improve After Chiropractic Treatment

After an injury, you may notice that you can't move your back, neck, arms, or legs quite as easily as you could before. Range of motion issues can be caused by spinal misalignments, tight muscles, or scar tissue build-up around a joint.

Chiropractic treatment improves the range of motion by realigning your spine and loosening muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Massage and soft tissue mobilization treatments gently break apart scar tissue, relax muscles, and stretch tight tissues.

Chiropractic Offers an All-Natural Way to Treat Pain

Pain medication is certainly effective, but it does have a few troubling drawbacks. It's easy to become addicted to prescription painkillers, particularly if you're taking opioid medications. Fortunately, addiction is much less likely to be a problem if you're under the care of a chiropractor.

In fact, patients who received chiropractic treatment for neck or back pain had 64% lower odds of receiving an opioid prescription, according to a meta-analysis published in the February 2020 issue of Pain Medicine.

Chiropractic treatment can also help you avoid nausea, drowsiness, and other prescription drug side effects. The treatments may make it possible to forgo prescription pain medications completely, or at least reduce the dosage.

Are you suffering from an on-the-job injury? We can ease your pain and help you get back to work. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment.


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employer-Reported Injury and Illnesses, 2019, 11/4/20

PubMed: Pain Medicine: Association Between Chiropractic Use and Opioid Receipt Among Patients with Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, 2/1/20

Chiropractic Economics: Text Neck Pain, Treatment and Prevention, 10/30/19

Palmer College of Chiropractic: Benefits of Chiropractic

National Safety Council: Top Work-Related Injury Causes

American Chiropractic Association: Neck Pain and Chiropractic


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  • "Dr. Anna is an absolute health care professional"
  • "I had the most debilitating headaches. I would get the migraines with auras, nausea and vomiting. Nothing seemed to help. My sister suggested I give Dr. Anna a try. I can't believe how incredible I feel. I would recommend her magic hands to anyone"
  • "My second pregnancy and delivery was exponentially better than my first. Thanks to Dr. Anna and chiropractic care."
  • "I had severe low back pain after an auto accident. Dr. Anna relieved with my pain and made sure all my paperwork was properly provided to my attorney. I didn't have to worry about anything, just healing and the home exercises she demonstrated to me."
  • "I have been treating with Dr. Anna due to mid back and jaw pain. She gives such helpful advice and the office is very clean. She wipes everything down between patients."
  • ""Dr. Anna is the best chiropractor in Wakulla! She also performs the right adjustments for my back.""
    Tanya W.
  • ""Dr. Anna cares about her clients and it shows in her work.""
    Collin C.
  • ""Dr. Anna made me feel comfortable and at ease during my treatments. After a few appointments my pain was gone. She is the only chiropractor for me."
    Shannon K
  • ""Dr. Anna was very friendly and I felt comfortable in her care. She had me moving and pain free in just a few visits. She is my chiropractor for life!"
    John K
  • ""Dr. Lange is outstanding! She has done wonders helping me with my neck issues.She is very friendly, professional and goes above and beyond to make your visit pleasurable! A+++++"
    Ken P.
  • ""I followed Dr. Anna down to Crawfordville because she is the best around! I only trust her with my family and myself.""
    Joanna S.
  • "I've been so impressed with Dr. Anna. She is very knowledgeable, professional and takes the time to listen and address specific needs. I would recommend Dr. Anna for corrective care or symptomatic relief; whichever is a better fit for you. She is wonderful! Thank you for taking care of our community!"
    Kate D
  • "I have benefited tremendously from the chiropractic care I received from Crawfordville Chiropractic Clinic."
    John D - Crawfordville, FL